Key Tips for Reducing AC Dust and Improving Efficiency

Key Tips for Reducing AC Dust and Improving Efficiency

Air conditioning is a need in many homes, particularly in areas where summers are hot and intolerable without a cooling system. However, maintaining an air conditioning unit is more than just making sure it cools your home properly; it is also about safeguarding your health. Dust accumulation within the unit can cause decreased efficiency and…

Choosing the Best HVAC Filters for Your System

Your home’s HVAC system depends on it working properly. It won’t stay forever because it operates all year long, sometimes day and night. In actuality, this ranges from 12 to 15 years. Because of this, you must take all necessary steps to guarantee that it runs as long as possible and ultimately helps you save…

The Important of Air Quality Control

The Important of Air Quality Control

Do you have questions about your home air and air quality? At Elite Climate Control, we can help you learn about air quality and allergens and then explore what filters or humidifiers work best in your area. What is Air Quality? Air quality refers to how clean the air is – how free it is…

Allergies Springing Up | Elite Climate Control

Allergies Springing Up

As the cool winter weather drifts away for another year, you know that the glorious balmy days of spring are just around the corner. Along with more sunshine and higher temperatures, you’ll probably find that your allergies are starting to act up again. Whether you are afflicted with outdoor allergies or allergies to pet dander…

Understanding the Importance of Air Filters

Understanding the Importance of Air Filters

Your air conditioner’s filter may seem like an unimportant element of the system, and it is certainly easy to ignore it because of its location. Most homeowners believe that the filter’s job is to clean their indoor air supply, but this is actually not the main role of this simple system component. The reality is…

Have You Checked Your Heating and Cooling Ducts

Have You Checked Your Heating and Cooling Ducts?

Many homeowners do not think much of their ducts, hidden away in crawl spaces and channeling air. However, old or broken vents can present serious HVAC problems. Here’s how ducts can create heating and cooling difficulties – along with what to watch for and how to deal with duct repair in the High Desert. Ducts…

Signs You Need To Change Your Air Filter

Signs You Need To Change Your Air Filter

Your air filter is responsible for keeping debris, dirt, and contaminants from circulating throughout the year. Air filters typically have to be replaced every 30 to 90 days. There are a number of signs that you may notice if you need to change your air filter. Signs You Need A Filter Change Dirty Or Damaged…