Homeowners and businesses don’t always know everything about their cooling systems, which leads to a lot of misinformation. When looking for air conditioning solutions in Apple Valley, Victorville, and the rest of the greater High Desert area, trust the experts at Elite Climate Control. We can clear up some of the myths here.
The Bigger the Air Conditioner, the More Efficient:
This is one of those myths that’s especially common in the High Desert area, where people often assume that a big air conditioner can kill the heat more quickly. In reality, air conditioners are rated based on the amount of space they can cool efficiently. Buy an air conditioner that’s too big for your house, and it will turn on and off repeatedly as it struggles to heat the smaller space, causing you more energy waste and often delaying cooling procedures.
Fans can Cool a Room:
This is another common myth. While fans may be cheap, they do not actually cool a room – they only move air around. That’s it. And while moving air may help you feel better, it won’t affect the temperature, not even if the fan was combined with some sort of ice set-up that people sometimes use. Only an air conditioner can truly remove heat from the air and pass the air back into your house to make it cooler.
There’s Only One Way to Cool Air:
Not every air conditioner looks the same, acts the same, or uses the same materials. Ask Elite Climate Control what the best system is for your situation. Can you use a highly efficient HVAC system to save money? Do you need coolant, or can your business use a water-based system? Would cooling towers help your situation? There’s a different system for every need.
Insulation Doesn’t Matter as Much When Cooling Air:
While insulation may seem like something that is primarily used to keep heat in, it is just as important when it comes to keeping heat out. Poor insulation will make cooling your home much more difficult, and that includes attic and ceiling insulation as well as weather stripping around your windows and doors. If cool air can escape, it will.